Specializing in Pond Restoration Since 1991

PDF Downloads

The SRS system is available for download! Simply click on the links below, or click here to
download all eight pdf’s in one document.

A New Pond Service
Every pond is in a dying process the moment it is created. Leaves, weeds, algae and other organic matter travel to the bottom of the pond, taking the form of MUCK…

Frequently Asked Questions
A list of our most frequently asked questions…

Are you experiencing any of the following problems with your pond…

The Life Cycle of a Pond
We at SRS use a hydraulic method of pumping the sludge (MUCK), from the bowl areas. It is an extremely clean and cost-effective way of removing the sludge and toxic gases without the use of heavy equipment…

A Brief Overview
A quick look using pictures at how the SRS system works…

The Silt Container
Here you’ll find everything you need to prepare for the silt container that will play a major role in removing the MUCK from your pond…

See what some satisfied customers are saying about SRS…