SRS Offers the Following

A New Pond Service – How We Do It
Remove Bottom Sediments From Your Pond
Every pond is in a dying process the moment it is created. Leaves, weeds, algae and other organic matter travel to the bottom of the pond, taking the form of MUCK. This gradually fills in the pond and is the direct cause of the many problems that pond owners have. MUCK contains toxic gases and harbors nutrients that cause excessive weed and algae problems, which deteriorates the ecosystem of a pond. Now there is a unique, efficient, and economical way of removing the MUCK and pond scum and restoring new life to your pond. Let’s compare the old solution with the new solution and you decide which is the better approach.
The Old Solution To Pond Cleaning– MECHANICAL DREDGING
Mechanical dredging is most effective when the pond has been completely drained and the bottom sediments have had time to dry. This means all aquatic life must either be relocated or killed off. If the pond is dredged wet, as soon as the dredge hits the sediments, the sediments are so fine they explode into the water column releasing all the toxic gases and nutrients. This kills off most of the existing aquatic life and leaves the pond a black, mucky mess. Once the dredging is finished, the sediments then settle back to the bottom of the pond, and much of the dredging benefits are lost.
Heavy equipment can cause extensive damage to the landscape and is hindered by houses, power lines, telephone poles, and trees. The cost in many cases is prohibitive and most mechanical dredgers will not even consider smaller ponds.
High-volume suction pumps are used to descend to the bottom of the pond. They move into the sediment, vacuuming it up, just as you would vacuum a carpet. This not only removes the sediments, but also the toxic gases and nutrients. The bottom is restored to its original depth. The process is extremely efficient. It can also remove loose clay, rocks, and sand, freeing up covered springs, irrigation systems, culverts, and cisterns.
- The restoration of the natural bottom without disturbing existing aquatic life in your pond.
- Cleaner water and a healthier ecosystem without damage to the existing landscape.
- A dramatic reduction of weed and algae problems.
- An expanded living space for your fish at a cost up to 75% less than dredging.
- A reduction in toxic gases and nutrients.
- Life Cycle of a Pond – A Better Understanding
In the beginning our fine-feathered friends bring algae, weeds and eggs to our ponds. The wind contributes leaves, branches, grasses and other material. All of this accumulates in what we call “the bowl” or “septic tank” of the pond, usually the deepest area. In the shallows up to about three feet, live the aerobic bacteria. This bacterium decomposes foreign matter quickly. In the bowl area live the anaerobic bacteria, which cannot decompose the incoming matter quickly enough. This bacterial war rages on and the fallout is methane, sulfur dioxide, phosphates, and other toxic gases saturating into the water column reducing oxygenated water for fish and other aquatic species. This MUCK is nutrient rich and creates a deteriorating cycle. In essence, instead of the aerobic bacteria feeding the planktonic kingdom, and continuing a natural, healthy food chain, the anaerobic bacteria disrupts this natural process and feeds the plant kingdom, increasing algae and weed growth and suffocating the pond. Natural springs and aerators help, but eventually even they lose ground to this natural process.
We at SRS use a hydraulic method of pumping the MUCK, from the bowl areas. It is an extremely clean and cost-effective way of removing the sludge and toxic gases without the use of heavy equipment. It also does not interfere with the existing wild and aquatic life, which presently inhabit the pond. Once the bowl areas are cleaned to their original bottom, the toxic gases are removed with the MUCK, greatly enhancing the water clarity and quality giving your pond a fresh new start as it was in the very beginning. Due to the high volume of sediments removed per day, we will require a discharge area on site to discharge the sediments to, such as a wooded area or fields that flow away from the pond. The sediments will not mound up, but will flow and seek its own gravitational level. It is excellent fertilizer and will not harm grasslands or wooded areas. The pump used can reach 200 feet into a pond and discharge back up to 2,000 feet, depending on elevation and grade. For those of you who do not have an adequate discharge area, there is an alternate way to contain the muck. We are having remarkable success cleaning ponds in this manner and are sure we can be a valuable service to you. Please contact us with any questions you may have.
If you answer YES to any of the following questions, you need to contact Sediment Removal Solutions!
- Is you pond or lake filling in with pond scum, organic sediments or muck year after year?
- Are sediments clogging your culverts, intakes pipes, or irrigation systems?
- Have your underground springs decreased in volume or become inactive?
- Are you using a lot more chemicals much more often with less effect?
- Are the deeper areas in your pond becoming shallower?
- Have you experienced winter fish kill or find that your larger fish are disappearing?
- Have you lost water clarity and noticed a distinct odor coming from the pond?
- If you answered yes to any of these questions, we have the best solution!
- The hydraulic removal of sediments at a cost of up to 75% less than that of mechanical dredging.
- Pricing to fit your budget needs.
- No draining of your pond or relocating aquatic life.
- No mechanical digging which can rupture lined ponds or change existing designs, requiring extensive permitting.
- No damage to your landscape due to heavy equipment.
- Eighteen years of professional experience.
- We are the original founders of this pond cleaning system with top-of-the-line modified & patented equipment, giving you the best & most economical efficiency.
- Private Ponds
- Golf Course Ponds
- Public Ponds
- Retention Ponds
- Lakes
- Harbors
- Marinas
- Channels
A quick look at how the SRS system works.......
Years Experience in Pond Cleaning! Do you have a testimony you want to share? Email it to us at [email protected]
Dear SRS, Five years ago, you cleaned our pond. Since that time, we have enjoyed our pond more than we ever thought possible! The fish are doing great too. There are too many bluegills so we have introduced some bass and walleye, but the kids enjoy catching everything! I always give you the credit for the initial cleaning and the great advice on maintaining the water. We’ve been told the water looks cleaner than most pools! Hope your summer is as enjoyable as ours have been.